About Me


I enjoy reading, though I rarely have the time any more. When I do I like reading science fiction or physics texts. (I love quantum mechanics and field theory) With four boys (only James lives with me right now though) I occasionally need to just veg. Since I refuse to watch television Ultima Online and provide a good distraction. I also enjoy playing cards. I play every major family of card games with a well rounded selection of the bazillion variants out there. I prefer Pinochle and Bridge, but I'll play anything as long as I can find willing participants. Strangely though, I don't care for Poker. Go figure.

I am extremely interested in all facets of space exploration. You can look at my Links page to see just how much!

As those of you who are close to me know I also write; a lot! Since nearly all of you have asked that I keep you up to date with my latest writing I have decided to post some of my recent work on the web. You can click directly to my Recent Writing page here. I should be updating it as I write new stuff and I may subdivide the poetry section if it keeps growing like it has been. In keeping with my family theme I won't be posting anything of an adult nature, but you can always e-mail me. If I know that you're 18 or older I will probably share.  8°)

I probably have a whole bunch of other stuff that I should mention here since I enjoy nearly everything -- especially with the proper company.




Kenbo's Web Page Biographical Info My Writing Work Info


e-mail me at cyrissia@hotmail.com